Are Natural Pesticides Based on Flowers Safe to Use Around Your Family?

You'd think a pesticide based on flowers would be safe to use around your family and especially your kids, right?  Wrong. What was supposed to be a safer generation of pesticides for consumers, synthetic pyrethroids, have turned out to cause more harm to humans, and especially kids, than was originally thought.  Synthetic pyrethroids mimic the natural pyrethrum extracted from chrysanthemums but they have been linked to developmental delays, endocrine disruption and immune system suppression.

Unfortunately, the EPA seems to be having a hard time catching on to the dangers posed to consumers.  Currently they are ready to allow even more  products and uses!  We must take action now to let mom and leader of the EPA, Lisa Jackson, know the true risks to consumers from pyrethroids!

Send a message to Lisa Jackson at the EPA telling her that it is time to halt the use of more pyrethroids.  Already more than 70% of us have been exposed to the harmful chemical, with children facing the highest exposure levels. Now is the time to take action.

Kids are especially sensitive to pesticides, and even short-term, low-dose exposure to synthetic pyrethroids has been shown to delay the onset of puberty. A study on prenatal exposure found that children exposed to higher levels of pyrethroids were three times more likely to have developmental delays.

Last November, the EPA issued findings that this class of pesticide does "not pose risk concerns for children or adults." Unfortunately, independent studies show otherwise.  It's time for the EPA to recognize the health threats pyrethroids pose, especially to children.

Time and time again, consumers have joined together and shown their collective power through signing petitions with the result being a safer environment for kids and their families.  We can all do our part and it literally takes less than two minutes.  Send a message to Lisa Jackson, Head of the EPA telling them that products with pyrethroids are not harmless, and let them know that we certainly don't need more widespread use.

Click the image above or below to send a message to Lisa Jackson, !!  Then use the share buttons above or below and share this info with your friends and family.  Together we can create a safer tomorrow for us all.

Click the letter above or visit PAN now to sign the petition
P.S.- Have you heard about The Green PolkaDot Box! Recently launched with over 12,000 members and backed by the Organic Consumer's Association, you can easily buy NonGMO organics at wholesale pricing online.  It's like a Sam's club but focused on products for green, healthy living!!  You can even shop by dietary restrictions like gluten free, vegan or diabetic.

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