Earth Day Meme - It's Yours...Take Care of It

Earth Day Meme - It's Yours...Take Care of It

I am spending this beautiful Earth Day biking with my daughters to their elementary school to pick up trash, and then heading home to work on a letter to the Orlando Sentinel Editor urging my community to come together and ask our Senators, Marco Rubio (R) and Bill Nelson (D), to co-sponsor the Safe Chemicals Act

How are you celebrating this Earth Day?

How about spending a few moments on a little green introspection?

Have you ever sat down and really thought about about how far you are willing to take living green to take care of our planet and your fellow man?  Not just today, but each and every day, how will you do both the little and big things to make this amazing planet a better place for all?

If you need a little eco-inspiration,  check out Earth as Art and see if you don't feel motivated to live, act and be green today and always.

After all, it's yours...take care of it.
"Our future depends on our knowledge and actions. What choices will you make today that will change your health and the health of our world tomorrow? Together we CAN find the path that will lead us to a greener, healthier future." - Peace, Love and Eco - Shane

P.S.- Have you heard about The Green PolkaDot Box! Recently launched with over 12,000 members and backed by the Organic Consumer's Association, you can easily buy NonGMO organics at wholesale pricing online.  It's like a Sam's club but focused on products for green, healthy living!!  You can even shop by dietary restrictions like gluten free, vegan or diabetic.

Sources:, USGS

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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead