Is Your Plate too Full to Live a Little?
It's Time to Find the Power in Learning to Say, "No" to Yes
It's Time to Find the Power in Learning to Say, "No" to Yes
If you are anything like me, you love to get the most out of life by volunteering. I volunteer to pick up food for the teacher luncheons, I volunteer to take kids home from this practice or that event, I volunteer to wrap all 700 of the books for the elementary school kids and so on and so forth.
We all lead busy lives and our metaphorical "plates" are very full right?
And we love it because having a full plate in life means living a full and interesting life. But today I want to urge you to find the power in learning to say, "No" to Yes in order to Live a Little.
Here at Environmental Booty we are all about finding the treasure in living green through self, people and planet. Living a green lifestyle means that you not only take into account environmental sustainability but human sustainability as well.
How are you sustaining these days???
Okay so if you are feeling on the verge of a mental breakdown from too much Yes, it is time to find the power in saying, "No" and Live a Little! |
Are you taking time for yourself and the things that really matter to you? Are you giving your family as much of yourself as you would like to or are other commitments getting in the way? Are you giving yourself the necessary time to nourish your body and your soul? If not, it is time to clear some space on your calender for the things that matter most to you in order to Live a Little right now.
We certainly need to utilize the power of saying, "Yes" to the many calls for help from our friends and community. It feels good to make a difference through giving of your time. But knowing when to say, "No" to that oftentimes too easy answer of "Yes", will empower you up to Live a Little now and it might save you a big mess to clean up later down the line.
Because knowing when your metaphorical plate is full, before it overflows and spills all over the floor and makes a mess just might free you from having a broken relationship, a debilitating illness, a child who barely knows you, a friend who doesn't admire you or a person staring back at you in the mirror that you don't even recognize anymore.
Learn to say,"No" to Yes today because you deserve to Live a Little starting right now.
Join Us to Live a Little
In case you missed it, On Mondays I will be linking up with an amazing group of women bloggers from the Skimbaco community. We will be offering up ideas on finding fulfillment in life right now through the little things to make the most out of each and every day.
Have a blog? Love to have you link up and join us in this Live a Little blog hop!! Sometime this week, write a post about how you Live a Little then link up using the Linky below and get the code yourself to put on your blog.
P.S.- Have you heard about The Green PolkaDot Box! Recently launched with over 12,000 members and backed by the Organic Consumer's Association, you can easily buy NonGMO organics at wholesale pricing online. It's like a Sam's club but focused on products for green, healthy living!! You can even shop by dietary restrictions like gluten free, vegan or diabetic.
Say No to Yes Photo Credit:
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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead