Cool Widget from the CDC to Check Out Swine Flu Prevention Product Claims!


  1. It's interesting you would bring up H1N1 (Swine Flu) Fraudulent Products. Our newest blog appearing later today discusses IAQ - indoor air quality and how it can be improved with copper duct work in HVAC systems. Copper has been well documented and even approved by the EPA as an antimicrobial (germicidal - antibacterial) agent that will kill any viruses and pathogens which come in contact with the copper surfaces even those present in air circulating around your home's A/C duct work. Introducing ozone or chemical biocides into the duct work remains controversial and questionable but using copper material is proving beneficial.

  2. Rutland, thanks for this informaiton. I would love for people to be able to find you when you post a comment. Next time you post click on FROM and enter your info. Then people can link directly to your site!! Copper is amazing stuff for sure. DO they use it in hospitals?

  3., October 21, 2009

    Shane, I keep getting errors from JS-Kit when i try to sign in to comment with Google, Twitter, Blogspot, etc accounts. I did enter URL for our blog in URL field, not sure if it shows up here in a comment. Tried to enter URL in From field - see what happens.
    Hospitals and nursing homes seem like a natural for copper surfaced furniture, fixtures, door handles, duct work, etc. and increasingly you see copper usage and applications proliferating there. But any public building, work location and homes too benefit. The more the word gets around and interest builds, more manufacturers will create new products and marketplace will explode with new pure copper and copper surfaced products. Plus copper has the ecofriendly green aspect going for it too.

    Recent blog:=- Copper Duct Work Can Improve IAQ

  4. It works! Thanks for the info again Rutland. Would love to have you post a guest blog for us.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Website for non-profits, thanks for the compliment. Hope you find the widget useful!


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