Autism, Cancer and Environmental Health

From one of my favorite Environmental Activists, Deirdre Imus, in the Huffington Post:

"When a group of New Jersey researchers investigated a possible correlation between NJ autism rates in conjunction to identified Superfund sites, their findings were consistent with other studies linking the disorder to environmental pollution.

The residence of 495 ASD patients in New Jersey by zip code and the toxic landfill sites were plotted on a map of Northern New Jersey. The area of highest ASD cases coincides with the highest density of toxic landfill sites while the area with lowest ASD cases has the lowest density of toxic landfill sites. Furthermore, the number of toxic Superfund sites and autism rate across 49 of the 50 states shows a statistically significant correlation (i.e. the number of identified superfund sites correlates with the rate of autism per 1000 residents in 49 of the states (p = 0.015; excluding the state of Oregon).

Researchers at the University of Northern Iowa also found rates of autism that were one and half times higher in Minnesota school districts that were within 20 miles of a Superfund site."

Please  read the rest of Deirde's article about Autism, Cancer and Environmental Pollution. HERE .  If  this doesn't wake you up and get you calling your Representatives, nothing will.  Please click the link at the bottom of her article to view the H.R. 832: Superfund Polluter Pays Act and give it a Tweet.

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is really frightening!!! I thought autism was due to psychological issues... even thought we do not know much about the causes.

  3. We are finding out more and more about how the toxins in our lives are leading to illness. It is not just one thing, but a mixture of so many together which are affecting our health as a society and the health of our world.

  4. Do the toxins have such a dramatic impact on children because the brains are developing?

    I recently read a theory in 'The Brain That Changes Itself' about Autism developing in children because of too much traffic noise/white noise, etc. It made me want to unplug every electronic device in my house.

  5. Jenn, thanks for stopping by and for the thoughtful comment. I believe that the onslaught of toxins in our lives are leaving some of us at a higher risk for illness than others. Have you read anything about mitochondrial disease?

  6. I just looked it up, but I hadn't heard of it before. Can you recommend any web sites or books?

  7. Jenn, you can check out the MitoAction website

  8. Jenn, you may want to take a look at this video on EB


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