CalFinder Solar = Pure Awesomeness

Hi guys, as I have had so many of you asking about getting started with solar, I thought this would be some great info to share.  CalFinder Solar is the place to start your solar power adventure...Shane :)

Guest Post by Taylen Peterson with CalFinder Solar
CalFinder’s mission is to connect homeowners with accredited solar installers in their area - at absolutely no charge. Because this is a free public service,
people approach us with questions about home solar power. Our staff handles each call personally to help them out, which we feel is one of the strong suits of our business.

Marketing Rep Taylen Peterson caught in an intimate moment with resident office plant, Rita

A subdivision of the CalFinder staff is the mildly geeky Web Team. When we aren't talking to community members about solar, we're keeping abreast of industry trends to pass on to our readers. The four of us maintain a network of five websites with about 150,000 pages of content. We cover everything from solar news to contemporary architectural trends, all while tuning out the pop music blasting from the nearby Sales floor (Fergie, anyone?). Whatever keeps those guys pumped.

Creative Content Editor Brittany Mauriss downright appalled at something Taylen said via gChat

High-Tech Solar Power Blog
CalFinder runs a smart, techy solar blog to keep you in the know. Updated several times a day, we showcase the coolest innovations in solar design, from the eco cities of tomorrow to cutting-edge developments in mass transit systems. Our regular bloggers are solar experts with an important voice and presence in the industry. We also provide news recaps of current global and domestic events, broken down by our bloggers in easy-to-skim format. They do enjoy giving praise where praise is due (or scathing criticism for that matter). Gotta love 'em.

CalFinder CTO Dean Dowd looking extra perky having just proclaimed his love for Tay-P

Breakin' it Down: The CalFinder Solar Resource Library
The CalFinder Solar Library contains hundreds of informational articles on everything solar - right down to the tiniest quantum dot solar cell. A goldmine for DIYers, solar contractors or just plain industry enthusiasts, we've got more solar information than you ever needed to know, and then some. Best of all? We walk you through the tough technical terms, so there's no need to feel like a newb. Our readers say that they can't believe our library is free - or that we constantly update a collection of real, credible info in one giant solar homebase. Not to mention the attractive images and sweet green layout (OK, we added that part ourselves).

Marketing Rep Arron Goodin is crazy about sports, ladies and window replacement

Got an idea to share with the CalFinder Solar Team? Get in touch with us!


  1. Thanks so much Taylen!! I am really happy to be able to share your company with our community. Thanks so much and stop in often.

  2. Sure is a lovely group of individuals there :) Thanks so much for the kind words and we're happy to help! Hopefully we can point some people in the right direction for solar power and greening their lifestyles!

  3. If we all work together, good things will happen..."Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead. Our numbers are growing and people are taking noe of how greening their lives is a benefit, instead of a hassle. :)


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead