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Ideas On How to Live a Little...the Little Ways You Can Live Life to the Fullest Everyday
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
- Harriet Tubman
- Harriet Tubman
So, yesterday I had an enormous amount of work to do. I don't know about you, but I actually love working. Even though work is play to me, at times in the past, my proclivity for work has been a source of contention for my girls and my husband. I guess you could label me a work-a-holic but to me, it's just what makes me happy.
Still, my first priority is always my family. Or at least that's the lip service I always give when I start to hear the, all too familiar, moans and groans from my girls and hubby that I am ignoring them.
Honestly though, quite simply, actions speak louder than words don't they? And sadly, I have recently found that many times, my actions scream to my girls and husband, "Work is more important than you!"
What do your actions say to those in your life who you profess to love and care about?
My girls, and even my husband, are always begging me to go out on the lake with them each time they go. Since we live in Florida, the weather is always so nice and they go boating a lot. Nine times out of 10, I decide not to go and instead, use the quite time alone at home to get work done. Yesterday, even though I had enough work to keep me busy for hours, I dropped it all and decided to Live a Little and go on the lake with my family.
My Live a Little idea for this Monday is this...think about what you say is important to you and line up your actions to support those things. Show the people in your life that you profess to care about that you think they are more important to you than your To-Do-List. You just might find yourself living a life that is truly one that makes you feel more alive, than proficient.
Proficiency is important, but it won't put it's arms around you and whisper, "I love you mommy, this was the best day ever."
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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead