Wordless Wednesday 5-2-12 It's a Dream Machine

Wordless Wednesday is a day for me to share an image from my green living life with you along with just a few words...or so 
This isn't just a recycling bin, it's a Dream Machine

I have had an amazing 2011-2012 school year working with my Green Committee co-chair Adriana, our kids and the teachers at the local high school setting up a recycling program.  One of the things that really got our school of 2700 students into the recycling mode, are the big Dream Machines (recycling bins) that we received to place all over our school.  They are hard to miss and students can easily toss in their bottles and cans for recycling.

These Dream Machines are helping our school go green, helping us get needed items for our school and supporting our disabled U.S. veterans - all at the same time!  So much good from simply recycling our bottles and cans in a Dream Machine. LOVE!!

P.S.- Have you heard about The Green PolkaDot Box! Recently launched with over 12,000 members and backed by the Organic Consumer's Association, you can easily buy NonGMO organics at wholesale pricing online.  It's like a Sam's club but focused on products for green, healthy living!!  You can even shop by dietary restrictions like gluten free, vegan or diabetic.

Photo Credit: Adriana Herrera

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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead