Wordless Wednesday 5-9-12 Disney World's Green Bride Ride

Wordless Wednesday is a day for me to share an image from my green living life with you along with just a few words...or so  

We went out to Disney over the weekend and we saw a bride on her way to the Disney Wedding Chapel to get married.  I was driving so my big-middle-little daughter was sweet enough to take them.  Thanks Lou Lou!!  Anyway, when I saw the beautiful carriage, it made me think of it as the perfect green bride ride. 

P.S.- Have you heard about The Green PolkaDot Box! Recently launched with over 12,000 members and backed by the Organic Consumer's Association, you can easily buy NonGMO organic groceries, including Harvest Fresh Organic produce, at wholesale pricing online.  It's like a Sam's club but focused on products for green, healthy living!!  You can even shop by dietary restrictions like gluten free, vegan or diabetic and it all comes right to your front door. I love it.

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