Want to Feel Powerful Today? Here's How It's Done

Join with Me and Call Walgreens for Safer Products!

We need you to join with us today and give 5 minutes to your future health.  It's so easy and there is no more powerful form of communication than picking up the phone and talking in real life.

Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families(SCHF) is asking everyone to call Walgreens headquarters today to let them know that you want them to take action on toxic chemicals.

This call in day is part of the SCHF (so far successful!) national Week of Action.

After over a year of reaching out to the company and 150,000+ emails, Walgreens finally responded and told SCHF that they were thinking about the issue of chemicals in their products. This is a great first step but they are still a long way from putting into place a plan for consumers that will eliminate toxic chemicals from our products.

Walgreens Needs to Hear from YOU Today

Here is their toll free number: 1 (800) 925-4733. Just press 4 for “customer service issues.”

Sample message: I’m a Walgreens customer and I’m concerned about toxic chemicals found in the products on your store shelves. I’m calling as part of a national campaign asking Walgreens to Mind the Store for safer chemicals. Can you let the CEO and Sustainability Team at Walgreens know that this is a very important issue for your customer base? I strongly urge the company to take a leadership stance on toxic chemicals. Thank you.

It's that easy and I have already done it.  I will tell you that there is a high volume of calls today...YAY...and I did have to wait about 5 minutes but it certainly makes you feel powerful to take action doesn't it?

P.S.- People always ask me where I get my organic food and personal care products and I love to tell them about The Green PolkaDot Box! Backed by the Organic Consumer's Association and EnvironmentalBooty.com, you can easily buy NonGMO organic groceries, including Harvest Fresh Organic produce, at wholesale pricing online.  It's like a Sam's club but focused on products for green, healthy living! You can even shop by dietary restrictions like gluten free, vegan or diabetic and it all comes right to your front door. Enjoy!

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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead