Green Your Home! Deodorize and Freshen the Air in Your Home without Polluting it with Airzyme from EcoDiscoveries

Airzyme  will help you create a greener home!

Price: 3.75

Did you know that ingredients in many common cleaning products have been linked to cancer, asthma and other health disorders?  How would you like to freshen and deodorize your air without polluting it? Sounds good right?  Especially for families, like mine, who have kids with asthma, freshening our homes with a non-toxic alternative to things like Febreeze is a must!  Ecodiscoveries Airzyme is really a perfect solution. Airzyme eliminates stinky odor molecules without harming the environment or your health so spray your way to a cleaner smelling home today!

AirZyme by EcoDiscoveries is the only safe and effective solution for your indoor air quality that I have been able to find.  I have not been able to find it in stores but I have partnered with Buy Green to bring it to you at a too good to pass up price!  Airzyme tackles odor molecules both in the air and on surfaces with natural enzymes. You can safely eliminate pet odor, kitchen odor, and create a fresh environment with a safe spray. The fragrance free formula will provide you with a truly fresh breath of air. Safe has a fresh side and I am loving it and you will too.

  I love that AirZyme is free from hazardous chemicals so your air can be too...

Non-Toxic Biodegradable
No Animal Testing

This is an enzymatic deodorizer with muscle that is safe around children and pets and most any surface.

Our AirZyme is safe for the many surfaces of your world. Spray and let dry on any surface that can have contact with water such as: carpet, fabric, cars, car seats, pet bedding, shoes, gym bags and luggage, attics, furniture, and more. Some of our customers have even used it to combat skunked pets.

Additional Information

See BuyGreen Standards detail for this product

P.S.- I am really glad that you stopped by our Environmental Booty Blog and I hope you have learned or shared a thing or two.  I hope that , now that you've found us,  you won't lose us!  You can join our green living online community, subscribe to our posts download our community toolbar or Tweet with me on Twitter to stay in touch!  - Shane :)

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