5 Hilarious Environmental Videos to Tickle Your Eco-Friendly Funny Bone, Give You the Green Giggles and Change The World

5 Hilarious Environmental Videos to Tickle Your Eco-Friendly Funny Bone, Give You the Green Giggles and Change the World

I don't know about you, but these days I can use all of the green giggles I can get.  Not only is trying to live an eco-friendly, green lifestyle sometimes difficult - my family wants to hide under tables at restaurants as I pull my eco-friendly containers out of my purse for my leftovers, my husband wonders why we have to pay three times as much to eat eggs from chickens who are allowed to run free and my girlfriends are still left wondering why I won't allow my kids to eat Skittles - but if you haven't noticed, the world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket.  Looking outside of our little corner of the world here in Mickey's Magical Kingdom, that is Orlando, I am reminded of how many people are hungry, homeless and alone.  I think many of us are left wondering...
Where are the answers to the most pressing social, economic and environmental concerns of our time?
Perhaps the answers are quite simple.  Perhaps the changes we desire to create on a large, worldwide scale could begin with a smile.  Take a few minutes to put down the stress, unpack your worries and laugh a little with me.  Just press play, giggle a little and then pass your smile on.  Find as many ways as you possibly can to create a happier, better corner of your world.  Who knows, it might be contagious enough to catch on and create not only a better you, but a better me too.

Now go get your smile on...

P.S.- I am really glad that you stopped by our Environmental Booty Blog and I hope you have learned or shared a thing or two. I hope that , now that you've found us, you won't lose us! You can "Like" us on our new Facebook fanpage, join our green living online community, subscribe to our posts, download our community toolbar or Tweet with me on Twitter to stay in touch! - Shane*

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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead