EcoRewards for Business
How Commercial Facilities Go Green by Cutting Costs and Creating Revenue Through Recycling
I am really excited to be a part of greening our local high school and encouraged by the support we have already encountered along the way. One of the things we plan to do is make use of the Paper Retriever Recycling program, TerraCycle and Greenopolis to easily recycle paper, plastic and everything else from toothbrushes to chip bags from our school and local community.
With the Paper Retriever Recycling program, depending on how much paper we collect, our school can earn a small amount of money for our school. More importantly, though, we will lessening our footprint on our community and planet. Working on all of this recycling stuff made me wonder if there was a way that businesses and large commercial facilities could take part in turning their waste into revenue and I found EcoRewards for Business.
Currently the EcoRewards Recycling program for businesses and commercial facilities is only available in select areas of the United States. If your business falls within an area that EcoRewards Recycling is offered, your first step is to set up a Waste Characterization . The waste characterization is an audit which will help your company determine exactly how to proceed to reduce costs and create revenue from your trash! You will also be assigned a recycling coordinator who will help promote, educate and motivate your staff about the recycling program. EcoRewards Recycling is committed to helping your company go green and succeed in implementing a successful recycling program.
I will keep you posted on the progress of greening our local high school and I would love to hear about your recycling efforts. It seems like so many people I talk to these days are really motivated to do all they can to recycle as much as they can. It is becoming second nature to consumers everywhere to stop and think before they toss anything. Adding businesses, schools, organizations and commercial facilities to the recycling mix is just icing on a sustainable future.
Next step on our path to a greener tomorrow...close the loop and buy recycled.
P.S.- I am really glad that you stopped by our Environmental Booty Blog and I hope you have learned or shared a thing or two. I hope that , now that you've found us, you won't lose us! You can "Like" us on our new Facebook fanpage, join our green living online community, subscribe to our posts, download our community toolbar or Tweet with me on Twitter to stay in touch! - Shane*